
The opportunities listed below are external to the 九州体育平台入口 Scholarship 过程. These have been reviewed as potentially valid opportunities, but are not 保证.

As an applicant, you should always be aware of potential scams which may request fees for applications, social security number, requests for bank account or other personal/unusual information, notification of being selected for an 奖 you did not apply for, or 没有申请却收到“奖学金支票”. 

Receive $10,000 for completing 450 community service hours in one 一年. 问题 电子邮件:CollegeCorps@sbccd.edu

(Free scholarship searches and more, various scholarships offered throughout the 一年) 

  • DRS奖学金将奖励1000美元给获奖者. 这将分配给每个人 学校的经济援助政策.
  • DRS奖学金是一种论文提交格式. 个人提交一篇文章 遵守下面的指导方针. DRS小组将审阅这些论文,并且 scholarship will be 奖ed to the best essay that meets all submission guidelines. This scholarship will be 奖ed annually with a different essay topic each 一年.
  • To be eligible for our scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:
    • Be a full-time college or university student (individuals taking 12 credits – about 每学期四节课).
    • 年满18岁.

Various scholarship opportunities with deadlines for opportunities throughout the 一年.

The ABWA general scholarship application will be open from April - September 2024. There are also other opportunities available that may be helpful for students.  

SCAG’s annual Scholarship Program supports students working toward long-term career 计划或公共服务方面的目标. 该项目提供4000美元的奖学金 for seven high school or community college students from the SCAG region. 两个额外的 scholarship 奖s not tied to a specific county may also be 奖ed at the Regional 委员会的决定. Recipients may also have an opportunity to meet with their local government representatives and practicing planners to discuss the importance of urban 规划和未来的公共服务事业. 

The 内陆帝国社区基金会’s founder, Charles E. 布鲁斯相信这一点 the best way to give back to the community was through scholarships for hard-working 想上大学的学生. 由于捐赠,他建立了多年 ago students from the region are still receiving support for their education. 今天, scholarships remain a large focus of our grants, averaging one million dollars a 一年 to every public college and university in the two-county region, as well as colleges 以及全国各地的大学. 这些奖项旨在表彰学生的成就 offer hope for those seeking to better themselves through education. 根据 the donor’s vision, IECF 奖s a wide variety of scholarships, including general and field-specific scholarships for areas of study like civil engineering, nursing, 特殊教育、兽医科学等等. 

每半年奖励1000美元,秋季 & 春季学期 & Ken的设计评论 创始人布劳恩 & 首席创意官. 申请要求和截止日期 在线. 

Three scholarships will be 奖ed to women who reside in our community. 所有申请者 must be enrolled as a full-time student and in good standing to receive a scholarship 奖. 申请要求和截止日期在线提供.

  • Amelia Earhart Fellowship: The Amelia Earhart Fellowship is 奖ed annually to women 追求Ph值.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace engineering and space sciences.
  • 简米. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship: The JMK Women in Business Scholarship helps women pursue undergraduate and master's degrees in business management and overcome 从教室到董事会的性别障碍.
  • Young Women in Public Affairs Award: The Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Awards program recognizes young women for their demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes and encourages them to continue their participation 在公共和政治生活中.

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) is pleased to be the administrator of scholarship opportunities provided by our partners. 这些奖学金 can help students cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, and other expenses (varies 通过奖学金). 申请要求和截止日期在线提供.  

IEHP有一个有影响力的机会! 他们正在开始他们的下一批社区 卫生工作者3个月计划. 他们正在寻找对…有热情的申请者 协助社区. The three (3) month intensive paid program’s starting wage is $18. 这是周一-周五,有一个混合的时间表. 我的. 星期五和星期二是偏僻的./结婚./碰头. 在办公室里. 学生可以在晚上上课.  应用程序 现在都被接受了.   

If the individual has a successful completion of the three (3) month program, they are eligible to apply for the IEHP 一年 (1) residency, with a starting wage of $25. Upon completion of the residency, they will be CHW certified. IEHP将开始筛查 下周申请. Those who are selected with be given a phone interview, the second part would be an invite only face to face interview at selected locations in 维克托维尔(3月19日),圣贝纳迪诺和河滨. 所有的招聘都在 3月,2024年4月开始. 

At LA Tutors 123, we believe that it’s more than just the grades that make a great 全面发展的学生. Each one of you is creative in his or her own way: some of you blog; others curate documentary photography on Instagram; still others find imaginative 如何解决他们公共和私人生活中的问题. 创造力是每个人的空气 one of us breathes, but sometimes we get so concerned with grades that we forget that 想象力是我们天生的问题解决者.

Criteria and application information, along with dates and deadlines, are provided 在网站上.